Mission statement
The ESU is committed to creating international understanding through English at a time when English has become the working language of the global village. This unprecedented expansion in the use of English has happened for many reasons including the political changes in Central and Eastern Europe, the arrival of a global economy and the spread of the internet. English has become indispensable for the world.
2020 International Public Speaking Competition
IN BRIEF The International Public Speaking Competition is at the heart of the English-Speaking Union’s mission, bringing together oracy, [...]Konkursi i Ligjërimit në Publik, 2019
Kërkohet Ligjëruesi/ja më i/e mirë nga Shqipëria që të përfaqësojë vendin tonë! Ftohen të gjithë 14 deri në 20 vjeçarët të marrin pjesë në [...]CELEBRATING THE ESU’S CENTENARY!
PLEASE JOIN US IN CELEBRATING THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING UNION'S CENTENARY! Today marks 100 years of the ESU On this day 100 years ago Sir Evelyn [...]