Support us through Volunteering

If you’re passionate about volunteering and want to support us, we’d love you to get involved.
Spread the word
If you haven’t already, take a look at our web to read about our activities. It’s continually updated – so keep an eye on it to see what’s happening in the world of volunteering.
If you’re volunteering already, don’t forget to take a couple of minutes to leave your feedback. This will help charities improve their volunteering opportunities – and let would-be volunteers know what to expect!
And we’d love it if you were to follow us on face book or twitter

Be a Founder

Help us to tackle today’s social issues through volunteering

ESU’s volunteering projects tackle big social issues head on.  We’re always testing and piloting new ways of using volunteers to make a difference to society and our communities.

We also work with businesses to encourage their employees to volunteer. Often that first taste of employee volunteering can lead to a life-long commitment.

If you’d like to find out more about how you could support our work, please contact

Our Valuable Team Members

Enrik B.

English Teacher

Zamira M.

English Teacher

Elona H.
