Njoftim për Internship në Dhomën e Tregtisë dhe Industrisë Shqipëri-Britani e Madhe.

Dhoma e Tregtisë dhe Industrisë Shqipëri-Britani e Madhe ka në fokus mbështetjen e investitorëve të huaj që dëshirojnë të hyjnë në rajon por ndërkohë krijon mundësi për fuqëzimin e rinisë shqiptare. Prandaj për periudhën korrik – tetor 2017 kemi krijuar mundësinë për Internship pranë zyrës tonë.

Kriteret e pranimit janë:

  • Personi të jetë sa më i vetë motivuar dhe optimist;
  • Mosha 16 – 25 vjeç;
  • Preferohet njohuri të mira të gjuhës Angleze, gjuhë te tjera përbëjnë avantazh;
  • Preferohet njohuri të mira të Microsoft word, exel, etj;
  • Të ketë aftësi menaxhimi, organizimi të punës në grup;
  • Të ketë aftësi shumë të mira në komunikim.

Kandidatët e sukseshëm do të pajisen me Dëshmi ku certifikohet periudha e angazhimit tuaj në institucionin tonë, gjithashtu referim aktiv për tju krijuar mundësi punësimi duke ju sygjeruar tek partnerët tanë!

Të interesuarit të dërgojnë një CV në adresën info@esualbania.org  brenda datës 30 Qershor 2017. Personat e përzgjedhur nga faza e parë do t’u caktohet një intervistë ku do të përcaktohen dhe angazhimet përkatëse në projektet e ndryshme që zhvillon Dhomën Britanike e Tregtisë.

Për të gjithë që dëshirojnë të angazhohen në projektet e ndryshme që ne organizojmë apo aplikojnë pas datës 30, ne do tju informojmë për të gjitha oportunitetet e planifikuara.

“Public Speaking Competition” is something that we need in many situations and is essential across countless different disciplines and professions. From teachers to politicians, broadcasters to lecturers, salesmen to lawyers and religious figures, being able to communicate publicly to a classroom, court, conference or crowd is a cherished ability. At some point most of us will have to give a speech in public, whether at a public ceremony, special family or community occasion, in a class for a business presentation or a job interview. By entering our Public Speaking Competition you will get the chance to develop this skill with the guidance of public speaking experts, training seminars and writing support.
This is the 9th year that ESU Albania have organised this competition and we are proud to include more applicants and activities every year. We will hold regional heats in different parts of Albania, a national final will take place in Tirana and the overall winner will represent Albania in an international final. Check out our previous winners here.

2017 Public Speaking Competition topic is “To define is to limit”

Main rules

  • Speeches have to be in English.
  • Each speech should be as close to 5 minutes as possible.
  • All pupils/students aged 12 to 20 years old, divided into two age groups 12-15  and 16-20 may enter

Why enter?

  • Develop English writing and speaking skills
  • Learn how to brainstorm and write creatively
  • Receive training in public speaking skills, vital for many professions.
  • Participate in a prestigious national competition
  • Winner of the national competition will represent Albania in international competition.
  • Meet like-minded peers and have fun!

To enter and find out details of our 2017 competition, download our membership form and fill it in.

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the staff in the ESU office. Send us your queries!

This year the English Speaking Union is organising English Summer Camps in association with various of the best schools in Albania.

The English Summer Day Camps offers great quality English language tuition, exciting activities, & cultural study trips to Landmark destinations such as the Petrela Castle, Apollonia, Lezha Castel and much more. We love to see our students enjoying a treasure hunt or outdoor activities as well as painting and piano lessons all in English.

If you would like your child to enjoy such experience this summer Join us in one of our locations: Tirana, Fier, Vlore, Lezha or Kukes

If you are a school and wishes to be part of the program write to us at info@esualbania.org

The International Public Speaking Competition for Albania has announced the 2016 winner representing Albania in the finals in London. Mr Andorel Ndoj was awarded the first price from over 240 participants.

Some of the best entries came from the Independent School in Tirana, Qemal Stafa School in Tirana, Ernest Koliqi in Tirana, New York university, European University of Tirana where Mr. Ndoj is currently studding too, Lezha Academy and many others.

We are thankful to all the participants and especially to the jury which had quite a difficult time to award the first price among so many presentations which were diverse but delightful to hear too.

Mr. Andorel Ndoj - ISPC Albania Winer 2016

The UK Ambassador in Tirana, Mr Nicholas Cannon CBE

Dr. Massimo Gaiani, Ambassador of Italy